When Infomercial Producer, Mark Olson, called me and asked if I wanted to edit an infomercial for Orange Glo, I think I said something like “Duh!”. It was a fun project. Getting to see Billy Mays outtakes was a blast, (wish I could have worked on Pitch Men). We actually completed draft edits of two other shows that were going to be given away with the purchase of this product. They were great shows too. One taught you how to repair almost anything wood in your home and the other taught you the basics of how to paint faux wood to match real wood. Very interesting and I’m glad I got to work on them. Because they were not all that relevant, Orange Glo decided to not release them.
As with most infomercials, there had to be very specific examples showing how some things work. In this show, there’s a black light segment showing the dirt left behind using other methods, there’s a magnifying video camera showing the dirt trapped in a microfibre mop and there are 2 animation examples showing how typical cleaning leaves dirt behind and how that further damages your floors. I used photoshop and after effects for the animation.
This second version was released on 03/15/2006.
Tools Used:
Final Cut Pro, Motion, Soundtrack Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator