Ray Fete and Brad Allen teach how to repair and restore anything wood in your home. There are some really great tips, and probably some secrets that you won’t find on some newbies blog about “how to create furniture out of old scrap doors and two-by-fours”. (I’ve actually never seen that particular blog before, but it is very similar to a few I have in mind right now.) I’ve used a tip or two from this video and they really work.

Created 12/13/2005

This was created for Orange Glo, to be given away with the purchase of their hardwood floor care system. This was part of the “but wait, there’s more” package. Although this is a bit more relevant than it’s counterpart, “Your Guide to Faux Woodgrain”, still not relevant enough to cleaning your floors to be included with the system. So, the remaining post-production was cancelled and this was never released.

Created using Final Cut Pro, Motion, After Effects, Photoshop and Soundtrack Pro.